Avian Encephalomyelitis - Poxine

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This vaccine is a preventative for two diseases, Avian Encephalomyelitis and Fowl Pox.

1000 dose bottle



Avian Encephalomyelitis is:

a viral disease which affects the central nervous system of chickens, pheasants, turkeys, and quail. It is found worldwide. Morbidity 5-60%. Mortality can be high. The route of infection can be through the egg; lateral transmission (from bird to bird) is probably by the oral route, incubation >10 days. Virus in droppings may survive 4 weeks or more.

Transmitted both through the egg and by direct contact. Eggs laid by hens with sub-clinical infection will carry the virus. While hatchability drops, eggs will hatch and chicks will develop clinical disease soon after. Affected chicks shed virus in feces and will infect other chicks.

Can also be introduced through the import of sub-clinically infected adult breeding stock, infected day-old chicks or hatching eggs.